Doctoral Research

Photo from above of people laying out lines of chillies to dry in the sun

DPhil in Anthropology

The DPhil in Anthropology trains students in the preparation of independent and original research in Anthropology. You will develop your scholarly communication of the results of such research and prepare for academic employment in anthropology or related fields, or in a professional environment where sensitivity to cross-cultural variability is required.

You will develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts, techniques, principles and theories in social and cultural, medical, biological or cognitive and evolutionary anthropology and apply it in designing and implementing an original and independent plan of research. This may be through fieldwork with human subjects, though this is not compulsory.  You will have the opportunity to use research methods of anthropology, including qualitative and quantitative aspects (which can include statistical methods and, where appropriate, mathematical modelling) and to present the results of your research in a well written, carefully argued thesis.

As a DPhil student you will undertake your own original research project under the guidance of your supervisor, with whom you will be in regular contact and who you will typically meet at least two to three times a term. Your supervisor will help develop and guide your project and  provide feedback. You will work on your own extensively however, and will need a high level of motivation. 

Full-time and part-time study options are available.

Please note this is not offered as a distance learning course.

Dr Elizabeth Ewart is the Course Director for DPhil in Anthropology

Dr Elizabeth Ewart is the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

For admissions questions please contact the Admissions Administrator.

Previous Oxford Anthropology Doctorates

This is a chronological list of Oxford Anthropology Doctorates.

DPhil in Migration Studies

The DPhil in Migration Studies is offered jointly by The School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME) and the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID). As a DPhil student in Migration Studies you will undertake an interdisciplinary in-depth project focused on a specific and important contemporary challenge facing the world by drawing on world class research departments, centres and scholars. Academics from SAME and ODID can offer supervision in a wide range of subjects. Examples include migrant integration, identity formation, transnationalism, urban change, diasporas, humanitarianism, asylum and refugees, citizenship, health and wellbeing.

Full-time and part-time study options are available.

Please note, this is not offered as a distance learning course.


Prof Madeleine Reeves is the Course Director for the DPhil in Migration Studies

Dr Elizabeth Ewart is the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

For admissions questions please contact the Admissions Administrator.