Dr Nicholas Márquez-Grant
Research Affiliate
Email: n.marquezgrant@cranfield.ac.uk; nmg104@hotmail.com
Nicholas is a Lecturer in Forensic Anthropology and Course Director in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology at Cranfield Forensic Institute, Cranfield University, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. He has been a Research Associate of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography at the University of Oxford since 2010.Previously he worked as an osteoarchaeologist for a number of archaeological companies and for as a Specialist Forensic Practitioner in Anthropology and Archaeology for a number of independent forensic science providers in the UK. Having worked as a specialist in human skeletal remains from archaeological sites for over fifteen years, he has considerable experience in the excavation and study of cremated and unburnt bone from prehistoric sites to the present date and from a variety of contexts and geographical areas. He has been teaching biological/physical anthropology at the University of Oxford since 2001 where he was awarded his doctoral degree in archaeology and physical anthropology in 2006, focusing particularly on health and disease from Punic and Late Antiquity-Early Byzantine human skeletal remains from the island of Ibiza, Spain.
Nicholas has published numerous papers on archaeology and anthropology as well as reference texts in the field.
Research Interests
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic science overall
- Forensic taphonomy
- Trauma analysis from human skeletal remains
- Methods of human bone identification and biological profiling such as stature and age-at-death estimation
- War casualties, in particular from WWI and WWII
- Human rights investigations
- The reconstruction of living conditions through palaeodemography and palaeopathology of human skeletal assemblages
- Providing a bioanthropological perspective of the Punic period (5th-2nd/1st centuries BC) in the Western and Central Mediterranean
- The adoption of a biocultural approach when interpreting palaeopathological conditions
- Funerary archaeology
Schotsmans, E., Márquez-Grant, N. and Forbes, S. (2017). Forensic Taphonomy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
Groen, M., Márquez-Grant, N. and Janaway, R. (2015). Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
Márquez-Grant, N. and Roberts, J. (eds) (2012). Forensic Ecology Handbook: From Crime Scene to Court. Wily-Blackwell, Chichester.
Márquez-Grant, N. and Fibiger, L. (eds) (2011). The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation: An International Guide to Laws and Practice in the Excavation and Treatment of Human Remains. Routledge, Abingdon. Paperback Edition published in 2013.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2010). The Human Remains from the Churches of São João and São Vicente, Bragança (Portugal). Vessants Arqueología i Cultura, Palma de Mallorca.
Simmonds, A, Márquez-Grant, N. and Loe, L. (2008). Life and Death in a Roman City. Excavations at 118-120 London Road, Gloucester. Oxford Archaeology Monographs, Oxford.
Selected papers/book chapters
Márquez-Grant, N., Muñoz Villarreal, A., and López Costas, O. (in press). Restos humanos subadultos: cuestiones prácticas en antropología forense. In C. Sanabria (ed.), Antropología y Patología Forense de la Muerte: La Investigación Científica y Judicial de la Muerte y la Tortura, desde las Fosas Clandestinas, hasta la Audiencia Pública. Bogotá, Colombia.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2015). Age estimation in forensic anthropology: perspectives and practical considerations. Annals of Human Biology, 42: 306- 320.
Hamerow, H., Byard, A., Cameron, E., Düring, A., Levick, P., Márquez-Grant, N. and Shortland, A. 2015. A high-status seventh-century female burial from 13 West Hanney, Oxfordshire. The Antiquaries Journal, 3: 1-28
Nehlich, O., Fuller, B., Márquez-Grant, N. and Richards, M.P. (2012). Investigation of diachronic dietary patterns on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, Spain: evidence from sulfur stable isotope ratio analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149:115-124.
Márquez-Grant, N., Litherland, S. and Roberts, J. (2012). European perspectives and the role of the forensic archaeologist in the UK. In D. Dirkmaat (ed.), A Companion to Forensic Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell, 598-625.
Fuller, B., Márquez-Grant, N. and Richards, M.P. (2010). Investigation of diachronic dietary patterns on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, Spain: evidence from carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratio analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 143:512-522.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2009). Caries correction factors applied to a Punic 6th-2nd BC) population from Ibiza (Spain). Bulletin of the International Association of Paleodontology,3:20-29.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2009). Datos paleopatológicos de Ibiza (Islas Baleares): una perspectiva bioantropológica de la antigüedad tardía-época bizantina (siglos IV-VII d.C.). Proceedings of the Spanish Palaeopathology Association (AEP) meeting in Morella, 2007. Pages: 221-232.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2008). Restos humanos das igrejas de São João e São Vicente. Bragança. In Argüello Menéndez, J.J. (ed), Bragança: Um Olhar Sobre a História II.Camara Municipal de Bragança. Pages 67-152.
Nowak-Kemp, M. and Márquez-Grant, N. (2007). The Van der Kolk pathological collection in Oxford University. Paleopathology Newsletter, 139 (September): 27-29.
Márquez-Grant, N and López Sánchez, F. (2007). Paleopathology and numismatics. Paleopathology Newsletter, 138 (June): 13-18.
Márquez-Grant, N. and García Guixé, E. (2007). Aproximación biocultural a la paleopatología. In Barca Durán, J. and Jiménez Ávila, J. (eds.), Enfermedad, Muerte y Cultura en las Sociedades del Pasado. Importancia de la Contextualización de los Estudios Paleopatológicos. Vol. II’. Actas del Congreso de la Asociación Nacional de Paleopatología (AEP), Cáceres, Noviembre 2005, Universidad de Extremadura. Pages 630-640.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2006). ¿Qué nos dicen los huesos? Antropología física de Ibiza. Fites, 6: 25-38.
Márquez-Grant, N. (2005). The presence of African individuals in Punic populations from the island of Ibiza (Spain): contributions from physical anthropology. Mayurqa, 30: 611-637.