Professor Steve Woolgar

steve woolgar


Research Affiliate

Steve shot to fame with the publication of Laboratory Life: the construction of scientific facts (Princeton, 2nd edition 1986) in collaboration with the French sociologist Bruno Latour. He has published widely in science and technology studies, social problems and social theory, researching topics as diverse as virtual society, neuromarketing, globalization, ontological disobedience and academic evaluation; and has been translated into 10 languages. He is best known for his books Science: the very idea (Routledge 1988); Knowledge and Reflexivity (Sage 1988 ed.); The Machine At Work (Polity 1997, with Keith Grint); Virtual Society? – technology, cyberbole, reality (Oxford 2002 ed.); Mundane Governance: ontology and accountability (Oxford 2013, with Dan Neyland); Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited (MIT Press 2014 ed. with J.Vertesi, C.Coopmans and M.Lynch) and Globalisation in Practice (Oxford 2014 ed. with N.Thrift, A.Tickell, and W.H.Rupp). He is currently working with colleagues on a collection entitled The Imposter as Social Theory: thinking with gatecrashers, cheats and charlatans (Bristol forthcoming, ed. with D.Moats, E.Vogel and CF.Helgesson) and a book length investigation of the limits of provocation: It Could Be Otherwise.