Editorial Note
Roger Just Some problems for Mediterranean anthropology 81-97
Sue Wright Prattle and politics: the position of women in Doshman-Ziari 98-112
Roger Rouse Talking about shamans 113-28
Vernon Reynolds Grasshoppers and slugs [comment on 'Maurice Godelier and the study of ideology', by J. Ovesen, 'Reality and representation', by M. Chapman and 'Language "at home" to educated radicalism', by M. McDonald] 129-30
Malcolm Chapman and Maryon McDonald The missing link [comment on 'Grasshoppers and Slugs', by V. Reynolds] 131-2
GERTRUDE A postface to a few prefaces [sexual author attitudes] 133-42
Anthony Shelton The Dutch connection [review article on 'Structural anthropology in the Netherlands', by P.E. Josselin de Jong] 143-8
Book Reviews 149-56