JASO 1990-1995
Obituary: John Hugh Marshall Beattie iii
Burkhard Schnepel Corporations, personhood and ritual in tribal society - three interconnected topics in the anthropology of Meyer Fortes 1-31
S. A. Mousalimas The concept of participation in Levy-Bruhl's Primative mentality 33- 46
Paul Dresch Lawrence of Morocco - adventures with an Arabic dictionary 47-50
Tony Free Written or living culture? 51-65
Zdzislaw Mach Recent changes in the state symbols of Poland 66-7
Book Reviews 68-93
Editorial Note viii
David N. Gellner Introduction - what is the anthropology of Buddhism about? 95-112
Gerd Houtman How a foreigner invented "Buddendom" in Burmese - from tha-tha-na to bok-da' ba-tha 113-128
Jonathan Spencer Tradition and transformation - recent writing on the anthropology of Buddhism in Sri Lanka 129-140
Michael Carrithers Jainism and Buddhism as enduring historical streams 141-163
Graham E. Clarke Ideas of merit (Bsod-nams), Virtue (Dhe-ba), blessing (Byin-rlabs) and material prosperity (Rten-'brel) in highland Nepal 165-184
Charles Ramble How Buddhist are Buddhist communities? The construction of tradition in two Lamaist villages 185-197
D. P. Martinez The dead - Shinto aspects of Buddhist ritual 199-209
David N. Gellner Elitist antirationalism and anthropological intellectualism - two styles in writing the history of Buddhism 211-215
Book Reviews 217-250
P. A. Lienhardt Disorientations: Part two 251-67
Daniel Dubuisson The notion of ideology in the work of Georges Dumézil: A contribution to a Dumézilian epistemology 269-78
N. J. Allen On the notion of structure 279-82
Andrew Duff-Cooper Models and modelling: Sculpturing Balinese ideology 283-302
Abstracts of Theses 1989 303-6
Shelagh Weir Memorial Address: Bryan Allan Lefebvre Cranstone 1918-1989 307-10
Book Reviews 311-40
Index Vol. 21/1-3 341-46
The Editors Obituary notice: Andrew Duff-Cooper 1
Peter A. Lienhardt Disorientations - part three (edited with an introduction by Ahmed Al-Shahi) 3-18
Tony Free The politics and philosophical genealogy of Evans-Pritchard's The Nuer 19-39
T. Wright The fieldwork photographs of Jenness and Malinowski and the beginnings of modern anthropology 41-58
David Zeitlyn Do Mambila cockerels lay eggs? Reflections on knowledge and belief 59-64
T. V. Sathyamurthy, Hugh Beattie, and Jeremy Coote Obituary - John Hugh Marshall Beattie 1915-1990 [Obituary, Select bibliography, and OUAS] 65-73
Book Reviews 75-98
Editorial Note 99-100
Dirk Verboven Space, time and bodiliness in Dogon funerals - a praxiological view 101-117
Rix Pinxten Myth as cultural praxis 119-128
Pieter Remes Rapping - a sociolinguistic study of oral tradition in black urban communities in the United States 129-149
Karel Arnaut Art and the African world - a historical analysis of their interconnection 151-165
Wilfried Van Damme Some notes on defining aesthetics in the anthropological literature 167-181
Book Reviews 183-195
Rodney Needham Obituary - Andrew Duff- Cooper 1947-1991 197
Thomas R. Trautmann Whig ethnology from Locke to Morgan 201-18
Janusz Mucha Ritualization as substitution 219-34
Malcolm Bull Selective naturalization: W. G. Runciman's social theory [review] 235-44
Peter A. Lienhardt Disorientations - part four 245-62
Abstracts of Theses 1990 263-7
Book Reviews 269-90
Index Vol. 22/1-3
Howard Morphy Aesthetics in a cross-cultural perspective - some reflections on Native American basketry 1-16
Paul Dresch Ethnography and general theory or people versus humankind 17-36
Shahin Bekhradnia The decline of the Zoroastrian priesthood and its effect on the Iranian Zoroastrian community in the twentieth century 37-47
Selina Ching Chan Some brief reflections on structural continuity in Chinese peasant society 49-56
David Parkin Unpacking anthropology [review] 57-65
Book Reviews 67-88
Terence Wright E. Edwards Jenness and Malinowski - fieldwork and photographs 89-93
W. S. F. Pickering Introduction - old positions and new concerns 99-110
Stephan Dietrich Mission, local culture and the "Catholic ethnology" of Pater Schmidt 111-26
Charles Macdonald Protestant missionaries and Palawan natives - dialogue, conflict or misunderstanding? 127-38
James Howe Protestants, Catholics, and "gentiles" - the articulation of missionary and indigenous culture on the San Blas coast of Panama 139-56
Joan F. Burke Research in a post-missionary situation - among Zairean sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 157-68
R. H. Barnes A Catholic mission and the purification of culture - experiences in an Indonesian community 169-80
Book Reviews 181-96
Nicholas Argenti African aesthetics - moving to see the mask 197-215
Andrew Duff-Cooper Prolegomena to analyses of changes in aspects of Balinese life on Lombok 217-237
John Knight Globalization and new ethnographic localities - anthropological reflections on Giddens's Modernity and Self-identity 239-52
Robert Parkin Dispersed alliance and terminological change in South Asia 253-262
Abstracts of Theses 1991 263-6
Book Reviews 267-90
Index Vol. 23/1-3
Godfrey Lienhardt Frazer's anthropology: science and sensibility 1-12
Gregory van Alstyne The unvoiced text - allusion in Malawian sung poetry 13-32
Simon Sinclair The present tense again 33-48
Georg Pfeffer Dispersed alliance, terminological change and evidence [comments on RJ Parkin in JASO 1992 (23:3) 253-62, with a reply by RJ Parkin] 49-63
Fiona Bowie Anthropology and missionaries [comments on special issue of JASO 1992 (23:2)] 64-6
Jeremy Coote Malinowski the photographer [comments on T Wright JASO 1991 (22:1) 41-58] 66-9
Stephen Hugh-Jones Useful arts - artful utensils (basketmakers - meaning and form in native American baskets) 71-7
Book Reviews 78-98
Peter Rivière Godfrey Lienhardt [17.1.1921 to 9.11.1993] 100-104
Edwin W. Ardener The 'personal enemy' in African politics [with introduction by D Zeitlyn] 105-10
John Knight The Danish pavilion in Kyoto: tracing the local career of a world fair exhibit 111-118
N. J. Allen Debating Dumezil: recent studies in comparative mythology 119-132
Andrew Duff-Cooper Values and hierarchy in the study of Balinese forms of life: on the applicability of Dumontian perspectives and the ranking of contexts 133-152
Georg Pfeffer Parkin's evidence [comments on RJ Parkin in JASO 1993 (24:1) 54-63] 153-7
Robert Parkin Second reply to Pfeffer 158-63
Terence Wright Malinowski and the imponderabilia of art and photography 164-65
Book Reviews 167-95
Andrew Duff-Cooper The acquisition of higher knowledge by Balinese of western Lombok 197-222
Chris Hann Culture and anti-culture: the spectre of orientalism in new anthropological writing on Turkey 223-243
Jeremy V. MacClancy Cultured food 245-9
Robert Parkin The joking relationship and kinship: charting a theoretical dependency 251-63
Abstracts of Theses 1992 265-73
Book Reviews 275-89
Index Vol. 24/1-3
The Editors Memorial issue for Andrew Duff-Cooper: introduction 1-2
Gerd Baumann Contextual indeterminacy: on the use of survey methods in fieldwork 3-9
Joy Hendry Gardens and the wrapping of space in Japan: some benefits of a Balinese insight 11-19
Helen Lambert The homeless goddess: cosmology, sickness and women's identity in Rajasthan 21-30
Jeremy MacClancy The construction of anthropological genealogies: Robert Hertz, Victor Turner and the study of pilgrimage 31-40
Christian McDonaugh Tharu mats and social structure 41-8
David Napier Saving or enslaving: the paradox of intellectual property 49-58
John Palmer Husek (the will): a Wich’ category of the person 59-68
Robert Parkin Equality, hierarchy and temperament 69-76
Anthony Shelton Huichol prayer: image and word in sacred communication 77-89
Charles Stewart Magic circles: an approach to Greek ritual 91-101
Louise Cooper and Gerd Baumann (compilers) A bibliography of the writings of Andrew Duff-Cooper 103-10
Book Reviews 112-32
Serge Tcherkézoff Hierarchical reversal ten years on (Africa, India, Polynesia). 1, contexts and levels 133-67
W.S.F. Pickering (ed.) Four letters to Radcliffe-Brown from Durkheim and Mauss 169-78
Andy Wilson A field-guide to bibliographic research 179-83
Jeremy MacClancy Exhibiting difference 185-9
Book Reviews 191-228
N. J. Allen Lynn Teskey 7 January 1949 - 1 March 1995 228
Serge Tcherkézoff Hierarchical reversal ten years on (Africa, India, Polynesia), (2): Rodney Needham's Counterpoints 229-53
Peter Rivière WYSINWYG in Amazonia 255-62
James F. Weiner The politics of selfhood and gender in New Guinea 263-8
Comment (R. Parkin: Response to Shapiro; M. L. Ryder: New thoughts on the pig meat taboo; R. H. Barnes: Chicken Golok) 269-75
Abstracts of Theses 1993 277-85
OUAS Report on Activities for 1993-1994
Book Reviews 287-318
Ian Fowler and David Zeitlyn Introduction to special issue ['Mama for story': studies in the ethnography of Cameroon in honour of Sally Chilver] 1-4
Sally Chilver, Mitzi Goheen (ed.) and Eugenia Shanklin (ed.) Accidental collisions: A personal memoir 5-19
Viviane Baeke Wuli witchcraft 21-41
Hermann Gufler Yamba spider divination 43-67
Hans-Joachim Koloss Kefuh myin: a therapeutic medicine in Oku 69-79
Charles-Henry Pradelles de Latour The initiation of the dugi among the Péré 81-6
Jean Hurault History of the Mambila chiefdom of Mbor (Sonkolong) 87-98
David Zeitlyn Eldridge Mohammadou on Tikar origins 99-104
Sally Chilver Letter to V.G. Fanso 105-10
Anonymous Bibliography of Sally Chilver 111-17
Book Reviews 119-42
N. J. Allen Why did Odysseus become a horse? 143-54
Mike O'Hanlon Wysiswyg: what you see is sometimes what you get; and some further thoughts on the skin, the body and decoration in Melanesia 155-62
Howard Morphy et al. (ed.) Gillen's scientific correspondence: selected letters from F.J. Gillen to W. Baldwin Spencer 163-96
Warren Shapiro Fuzziness, structure-dependency, and 'structural anthropology': an extended reply to Parkin 197-214
Book Reviews 215-40
Madawi al-Rasheed Iraqui Assyrians in London: beyond the [immigrant /refugee] divide 241-55
Henry M. Johnson An ethnomusicology of musical instruments: form, function, and meaning 257-69
Dimitri Tsintjilonis Enchanted bodies: wysiwyng in Tana Toraja 271-82
Theresa Wobbe On the horizons of a new discipline: early women sociologists in Germany 283-97
Abstracts of Theses 1994 299-306
Book Reviews 307-31