JASOonline 2021-


Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online
ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XIV (2022)
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CONTENTS (also available as a Word file)

Editorial, 3 (Word version)


1. Christopher MortonDwelling practices and the reproduction of marginality among the Mbanderu of Ngamiland, Botswana, 5-30 (Word version)

2. David ZeitlynArguments for humility: lessons for anthropologists from six texts, 31-46 (Word version)

3. Marcus BanksGood morning! Memes and the visual economy of images in contemporary India, 47-62 (Word version)

4. Howard Morphy, Marcus Banks and R.H. BarnesFear and anthropology: a view from 1995, 63-83 (Word version)

Anthropology in translation (JASO occasional series)
Editors’ introduction, 84 (Word version)

5. Ismaël Moya (translated by David Zeitlyn)An aesthetics of norm-adherence: discourse and power in matrimonial and maraboutic relationships in Dakar, 85-100 (Word version)

6. Felix Rolt,  Reflections on modern sovereigns. Review Essay: Joseph Tonda. The modern sovereign: the body of power in Central Africa, trans. Chris Turner. London: Seagull Books 2021, ISBN 9780857426888, 101-105 (Word version)


Book reviews

Lilia Moritz SchwarczBrazilian authoritarianism: past and present. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2022, 328 p. ISBN 9780691210919, reviewed by Sebastian Antoine, 106-107 (Word version)

Eve Darian-SmithGlobal burning: rising antidemocracy and the climate crisis. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2022, 230 p. ISBN 9781503631083, reviewed by Elaine (Yiling) Hu, 108-109 (Word version)

Pascal MénoretGraveyard of clerics: everyday activism in Saudi Arabia. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2020, 264 p. ISBN 9781503612464, reviewed by Frederike Brockhoven, 110-112 (Word version)

Sonia Ahsan-TirmiziPious peripheries: runaway women in post-Taliban Afghanistan. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2021, 256 p. ISBV 9781503614710, reviewed by Juliette Foulon, 113-115 (Word version)

Leah ZaniStrike patterns: notes from postwar Laos. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022, 208 p. ISBN 9781503611733, reviewed by Luise Eder, 116-117 (Word version)

Aparecida VilaçaPaletó and me: memories of my indigenous father, trans. David Rodgers. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2021, 232 p. ISBN 9781503629332, reviewed by Niklas Hartmann, 118-120 (Word version)

Sophie ChaoIn the shadow of the palms: more-than-human becomings in West Papua. Durham: Duke University Press 2022, 336 p. ISBN 9781478018247, reviewed by Sebastian Antoine, 121-123 (Word version)


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Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online
ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XIII, no. 1 (2021)
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Guest editors: Elisabeth Hsu, Paola Esposito, Paula Sheppard, Stanley Ulijaszek

SPECIAL ISSUE (also available as a word file)

Table of contents

I. Setting the scene2-10

Elisabeth Hsu, Lessons learnt from a pandemic: outline, 2-4

Sonora English, Staging the COVID-19 pandemic: revisiting Rosenberg’s dramaturgical form of epidemics, 4-10


II. Policies and predispositions11-24

Aya Ahmad, Zihan Xu and Yibing Liu, Data surveillance as an ideological priority? 11-14 

Aya Ahmad, Zihan Xu and Yibing Liu, Mask-wearing as a cultural practice, 14-19

Elisabeth Hsu, Policies and predispositions: reflections on the limitations of culturalism, 19-24


III. Efficacious metaphors? 25-51

Yasmynn Chowdhury, The militarization of COVID-19 as a disease and a sickness, 25-34

Gillian Chan, How mild is ‘mild’ COVID-19? 35-41

Paola Esposito, Multimodal biosocialities, 41-51


IV. Reproducing inequalities, 52-69

Gillian Chan and Dora Lan, Inequality shaping epidemics, epidemics reproducing inequality: intersectionality and COVID-19, 52-60

Sarah Spellman, Clapping for carers: reproducing inequality during COVID-19, 61-67

Paula Sheppard, Reproducing inequalities, 68-69


V. Outlook: coevolution and ecological public health70-75

Sonora English, Stanley Ulijaszek and Anja Selmer, Coevolution and the emergence of disease: ecological thinking in public health and beyond, 70-75


BOOK REVIEWS77-102 (word file)

Abigal A. DumesDivided bodies: Lyme disease, contested illness, and evidence-based medicine, reviewed by Jordan Gorenberg, 77-79

Nicholas Q. EmlenLanguage, coffee, and migration on an Andean-Amazonian frontier, reviewed by Sabine Parrish, 79-81

Michael G. Flaherty, Lotte Meinert and Anne Line Dalsgård (eds.) Time work: studies of temporal agency, reviewed by Eveliina Kuitunen, 81-84

Jack GlazierAnthropology and radical humanism, reviewed by Shelvis Smith-Mather, 84-86

A. GolubevThe things of life: materiality in late Soviet Russia, reviewed by Emma Rimpiläinen, 86-88

Lesley GreenRock |Water | Life: ecology and humanities for a decolonial South Africa, reviewed by Tiffany Teng, 88-90

Benno HerzogThe invisibilization of suffering: the moral grammar of disrespect, reviewed by Mikaela Brough, 90-92

Dan HicksThe Brutish Museums: The Benin bronzes, colonial violence, and cultural restitution, reviewed by Sabrina Illiano, 93-95   

Bruno Latour and P. WeibelCritical zones: the science and politics of landing on earth, reviewed by Quentin Louis, 95-97

Eugene RichardsonEpidemic illusions: on the coloniality of global public health, reviewed by Aneel Singh Brar, 97-100

Charles StaffordEconomic life in the real world: logic, emotion and ethics, reviewed by Prajol Gurung, 100-102

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Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online
ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XIII, no. 2 (2021)
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CONTENTS (also available as a Word file)

Kaoru NishijimaThe Dayak ‘kingdom’ and indigenous sovereignty in Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan, 103-129 (Word file)

Göran AijmerThe enigmatic clans of the Palaung: kinship clusters and continuity in Upper Burma, 130-154 (Word file)

Felix PadelTowards an anthropology of spies and intelligence agencies, 155-194 (Word file)

Shubhra MurarkaReview article: Audra Simpson, Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Border of Settler States, 195-200 (Word file)


BOOK REVIEWS201-205 (Word file)

Rebecca CassidyVicious games: capitalism and gambling, reviewed by Wesam Hassan,  201-204

Jennifer EricksonRace-ing Fargo: refugees, citizenship, and the transformation of small cities, reviewed by Judit Molnár , 204-205


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