JASO Occasional Papers 1982-1993 and 2017
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Occasional Papers 1-10
Readers should note that most of these are Edited Collections, books containing several chapters/ papers by different authors.
(OP1, 1982): Genres, Forms and Meaning: Articles on African Oral Literature
Edited by Veronika Görög-Karady with a Foreword by Ruth Finnegan
Front matter:
Veronika Görög-Karady. Preface i-ii
Ruth Finnegan. Foreword iv-vi
Diana Rey-Hulman. Pratiques langagières et formes littéraires 1-13
Jean Derive. La reformulation en littérature orale. Typologie des transformations linguistiques dans les différentes performances d’une même oeuvre 14-21
Jan Knappert. Swahili oral traditions 22-30
Veronika Görög-Karady. Retelling Genesis: The children of Eve and the origin of inequality 31-44
Genevieve Calame-Griaule. La jeune fille qui cherche ses frères. Essai d'analyse 45-56
Dominique Casajus. Autour du rituel de la nomination chez les Touaregs Kel Ferwan 57-67
Bogumił Witalis Andrzejewski. Alliteration and scansion in Somali oral poetry and its cultural correlates 68-83
Christiane Seydou. Comment définir le genre épique? Un exemple: L’épopée africaine 84-98
Elisabeth Gunner. New wine in old bottles: Imagery in the izibongo of the Zulu Zionist prophet, Isaiah Shembe 99-108
Kevin Donnelly and Yahya Omar. Structure and association in Bajuni fishing songs 109-122
(OP2, 1983): Death in Portugal: Studies in Portuguese Anthropology and Modern History
Edited by Rui Feijó, Herminio Martins and João de Pina-Cabral
Herminio Martins Introduction v-xxii
Patricia Goldey The good death: personal salvation and community identity 1-16
João de Pina-Cabral and Rui Feijó Conflicting attitudes to death in modern Porgual: The question of cemetaries 17-43
Brian Juan O’Neill Dying and inheriting in rural Trás-os-Montes 44-74
M.F. Brandão Death and the survival of the rural household in a Northwestern principality 75-87
Margarida Durães Testamentary practices in Venade (Minho), 1755-1815 88-96
Augusto Santos Silva Oliveira Martins: Death in history 97-104
T.F. Earle Death and the imagination in Alexandre Herculano’s Eurico 105-19
(OP3, 1984): The General’s Gift: A Celebration of the Pitt Rivers Museum Centenary, 1884-1984
Edited by B.A.L. Cranstone and Steven Siedenberg
Foreword vi-vii
B.A.L. Cranstone The Pitt Rivers Museum in 1983 1-5
W.R. Chapman Pitt Rivers and his collection, 1874-1883: The chronicle of a gift horse 6-25
Elizabeth Edwards Collecting with a camera: Pitt Rivers Museum photographic collections 26-35
Hélène La Rue ‘The Natural History’ of a musical instrument collection 36-40
Deborah B. Waite The H.B.T. Somerville collection of artefacts from the Solomon Islands 41-52
Michael J. Hitchcock Thesis research and collecting: A fieldworker’s view 53-60
Barrie Reynolds The relevance of material culture to anthropology 61-68
(OP4, 1985): Contexts and Levels: Anthropological Essays on Hierarchy
Edited by R.H. Barnes, Daniel de Coppet and R.J. Parkin Full issue
Acknowledgements (vii) and Front matter
R.H. Barnes and Daniel de Coppet, Introduction 1-7
R.H. Barnes, Hierarchy without caste 8-20
N.J. Allen, Hierarchical opposition and some other types of relation 21-32
Mark Hobart, Texte est un con 33-53
Serge Tcherkézoff, Black and white dual classification: Hierarchy and ritual logic in Nyamwezi ideology 54-67
Dominique Casajus, Why do the Tuareg veil their faces? 68-77
Daniel de Coppet, Land owns people 78-90
André Iteanu, Levels and convertibility 91-102
Gregory Forth, Right and left as a hierarchical opposition: Reflections on Eastern Sumbanese hairstyles 103-116
Cécile Barraud, The sailing-boat: Circulation and values in the Kei Islands, Indonesia 117-130
Simonne Pauwells, Some important implications of marriage alliance: Tanimbar, Indonesia 131-138
L.E.A. Howe, Caste in India and Bali: Levels of comparison 139-152
Andrew Duff-Cooper, Hierarchy, purity and equality among a community of Balinese on Lombok 153-166
Signe Howell, Equality and hierarchy in Chewong classification 167-180
Christian McDonaugh, The Tharu house: Oppositions and hierarchy 181-192
G.E. Clarke, Hierarchy, status and social history in Nepal 193-210
Name and Subject Index 213-19
(OP5, 1986): Interpreting Japanese Society: Anthropological Approaches
Edited by Joy Hendry and Jonathan Webber
Preface and Acknowledgements vii-x
Joy Hendry Introduction: The contribution of social anthropology to Japanese studies 3-13
J.G. van Bremen The post-1945 anthropology of Japan 14-30
Laurence Caillet Time in the Japanese ritual year 31-48
Jane M. Bachnik Time, space and person in Japanese relationships 48-75
Patrick Beillevaire Spatial characterization of human temporality in the Ryūkyūs 76-87
Thomas Crump The Pythagorean view of time and space in Japan 88-99
Augustin Berque The sense of nature and its relation to space in Japan 100-110
James Valentine Dance space, time and organisation: Aspects of Japanese cultural performance 111-130
Teigo Yoshida Gods, ancestors and mediators: A cosmology from the Southwestern archipelago of Japan 131-146
Kazuto Matsunaga The importance of the left hand in two types of ritual activity in a Japanese village 147-156
Mary J. Picone Buddhist popular manuals and the contemporary commercialization of religion in Japan 157-165
David C. Lewis ‘Years of calamity’: Yakudoshi 166-184
Ok-Pyo Moon Kim Is the Ie disappearing in rural Japan? The impact of tourism on a traditional Japanese village 185-197
Sepp Linhart Sakariba 198-210
E. Ben-Ari A sports day in suburban Japan: Leisure, artificial communities and the creation of local sentiments 211-225
Brian Moeran One over the seven: Sake 226-242
Note on Contributors, Name Index, Subject Index
(OP6, 1987): Maritime Southeast Asian Studies in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Their Post-War Development and Current Resources
Edited by Peter Carey
(OP7, 1988): Vernacular Christianity: Essays in the Social Anthropology of Religion Presented to Godfrey Lienhardt
Edited by Wendy James and Douglas H. Johnson
Preface and Acknowledgements vi-x
Wendy James and Douglas H. Johnson Introductory Essay: On ‘native’ Christianity 1-14
Roger Just Anti-clericism and national identity: Attitudes towards the Orthodox church in Greece 15-30
Ahmed Al-Shahi Northern Sudanese perceptions of the Nubian Christian legacy 31-39
John Ryle Miracles of the people: Attitudes to Catholicism in an Afro-Brazilian religious centre in Salvador da Bahia 40-50
Carmelo Lison-Tolosana The Beatae 51-59
Jaynie Anderson The head-hunter and head-huntress in Italian religious portraiture 60-72
Talal Asad Towards a genealogy of the concept of ritual 73-87
Brian Street Christian representations of the death of Captain Cook 88-104
Eva Gilles The coming of Christianity to a Nigerian middle belt community 105-111
Paul Heelas and Anna Marie Haglund-Heelas The inadequacy of ‘deprivation’ as a theory of conversion 112-119
M.F.C. Bourdillon Gleaning: Shona selections from biblical myth 120-130
Wendy James Uduk faith in a five-note scale: Mission music and the spread of the gospel 131-145
George P. Hagan Divinity and experience: The trance and Christianity in Southern Ghana 146-156
Francis M. Deng Dinka response to Christianity: The pursuit of well-being in a developing society 157-169
Douglas H. Johnson Divinity abroad: Dinka missionaries in foreign lands 170-182
Select Bibliography, Note of Contributors, Index
(OP8, 1991): An Old State in New Settings: Studies in the Social Anthropology of China in Memory of Maurice Freedman
Edited by Hugh D.R. Baker and Stephan Feuchtwang
Memorial Address by Sir Raymond Firth, Professor Maurice Freedman: In Memoriam 1-7
Hugh D.R. Baker Marriage and mediation: relations between lineages 11-24
Diana Martin Chinese ghost marriage 25-43
Christine Inglis Women and trade: A Chinese example from Papua New Guinea 44-69
Michael Palmer Lineage and urban development in a New Territories market town 70-106
James W. Hayes Government and village: Reactions to modern development by long-settled communities in the New Territories of Hong Kong 107-138
Stephan Feuchtwang A Chinese religion exists 139-161
James L. Watson Waking the dragon: Visions of the Chinese imperial state in local myth 162-177
Göran Aijmer Chong-yang and the ceremonial calendar in central China 178-196
Soo Ming-wo Some syncretic aspects of Swatow Baptist religious observance 197-222
Mark Elvin Mandarins and millenarians: Reflections on the boxer uprising of 1899-1900 223-250
G. William Skinner Maurice Freedman, 1920-1975: Obituary 251-262
G. William Skinner Maurice Freedman: Bibliography 263-278
Note on Contributors & Index 280-86
(OP9, 1993): Governing the Nuer: Documents by Percy Coriat on Nuer History and Ethnography ISBN 1870047451
Edited by Douglas H. Johnson
Part 1: Preface and Editor's Introduction v-vi
Part 2: Sections 1 to 2.2 1-95
Part 2: Sections 3 to 4.1 96-183
Part 3: Sections 4.2 to 5 and Index 184-208
(OP10, 2017): Language, indexicality and belonging
Edited by Nancy Hawker, Kinga Kozminska and Leonie Schulte
This was published as https://www.anthro.ox.ac.uk/jasoonline-2016#collapse396766